Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

„Danube Peer Chains“ präsentiert wesentliche Eigenschaften der Märkte im Donauraum


Benchmark-Analyse der bestehenden Wertschöpfungsketten.

Regensburg, 13.04.2021 – Die Digitale Gründerinitiative Oberpfalz ist Projektpartner des EU-Interreg Projekts „DanubePeerChains“. Das Projekt will Organisationen und Unternehmen im Donauraum mit Wissen und Werkzeugen stärken, um im Zuge der digitalen Transformation den Ausbau qualifizierter Arbeitsplätze voranzubringen.

Gemeinsam wurde nun ein Überblick der Markteigenschaften erarbeitet, die charakteristisch für den Donauraum sind, wobei der Fokus insbesondere auf der Digitalisierung und bestehenden Wertschöpfungsketten unterschiedlicher Branchen lag. Die Dokumente stehen auf der WEBSEITE des DanubePeerChains Projektes zum Download zur Verfügung.

Die hierzu veröffentlichte Pressemitteilung in englischer Sprache lesen Sie hier:


In this edition of the Press release we will present you a set of eight documents created by a partner consortium, focused on the market characteristics of the Danube region.

» Regional analysis with focus on labor market characteristic

This analysis is focused on integration of analysis of EU candidate (IPA) partner countries which are currently underrepresented and on detailed investigation of regional labour market characteristics.

                » Collection of support instruments in place to develop labour markets in digitalization

This is a cross-institutional overview of already existing funding schemes and non-financial support instruments targeted at strengthening digital transformation of regional industries and upskilling of qualified workers, incl. postCOVID-19 support measures.




» Transnational competence map of knowledge related to digital value-chain

The map presents an overview of input from all partner regions in the aspects of analysis of regional competencies in key knowledge fields of digitalisation and collection of practice cases – showcases of digitally transforming companies that have already enlarged their business to cross-regional collaboration level.

                » Analysis of the latest status of the EUSDR Strategy / S3 strategies of partner countries

This analysis highlights how the S3 process was organized in partners countries and foresees the analysis of the latest status of strategic documents from all partner regions.

                » Methodology for the integration of existing industry sectors into digital value chains 

The mapping of Transnational Value Chains provides a visionary goal for the whole project region that will guide all following project activities and development of action plans for establishing labour market relevant cooperation links.

» Transnational benchmark analysis of labour market conditions incl. identification of qualification and support demand

This analysis is one of the prerequisites for the development of the capacity building and qualification measures as well as for strategic project work, in particular the development of regional action plans.

»  Output Factsheet: Mapping of competencies in key knowledge fields of digitalization

As in the past digital transformation primarily impacted the operational level of business processes, it is now also impacting the strategic level and has an impact on the establishment of new networks and cooperation, including the level of openness for international engagement.

» Output Factsheet: Transnational benchmark analysis of labour market conditions                      incl. identification of qualification and support demand

Comparative analysis of the general economic situation, with emphasis on the labour market, for the states included in the study was performed on three levels (1) the analysis of the main macro-economic indicators for the year 2019, (2) the ranking of the states according to the selected indicators and (3) cluster analysis to build groups of similar countries in terms of economic and labour market performance.


All of the documents are published on the official project website

where you can find more detailed information.






DanubePeerChains is a project implemented under the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, within programme priority 1, and within programme priority specific objective SO 1.2 Increase competences for business and social innovation.

Lead partner: Business Upper Austria

Start date: 01-07-2020

End date: 31-12-2022


Budget in Euro

Overall: 1,784,455.00 EUR

ERDF Contribution: 1,368,054.50 EUR

IPA Contribution: 416,400.50 EUR

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