Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

First virtual Block.IS cluster mission in Regensburg


IT-Logistics cluster organized a virtual meeting for the Block.IS Ecosystem

As part of the EU-funded Block.IS project to build a cross-border and cross-sectoral innovation ecosystem in the sectors agrifood, logistics and fintech, the IT-Logistics cluster organized a cluster mission. An event of clusters for clusters from all over Europe to learn more about the cluster ecosystem in Regensburg and to get a deeper insight into blockchain technology. Due to the current situation, the planned cluster mission was held virtually.

At the opening of the event, Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director R-Tech GmbH, and Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager IT-Logistics Cluster, welcomed the participants as virtual hosts with an insight into the work of R-Tech and the TechBase location.

In the first session Klaus Grepmeier, Department for Economic and Research Affairs of the City of Regensburg, gave a lecture on the development of the clusters in Regensburg over the past 20 years. Then Dr. Veronika Fetzer, Digital Founder Initiative Upper Palatinate, described the participants how to build a strong ecosystem as digital entrepreneur and founder.

After a short lunch break Benedikt Putz, University of Regensburg, opened the second session on blockchain technology with his presentation about blockchain in agrifood and logistics with the current state-of-the-art and future challenges. Most recently Maximilian Forster, Blockchain Bayern e.V., gave an outlook on the previous and further development of blockchain technology.

The cluster mission was concluded with a very interesting open discussion between the participants and the referees.

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