Keyfacts in English


Short description

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics is part of the European platform » Safe and Sustainable Mobility.

Regions from all over Europe cooperate in the field of sustainable mobility. The platform is managed by the regions Bavaria, Ile-de-France and Aragon.


In diesem Netzwerk haben sich Regionen aus ganz Europa zusammengeschlossen, um im Bereich der nachhaltigen Mobilität langfristig zusammenzuarbeiten. Die Plattform wird von den Regionen Bayern, Ile-de-France und Aragon geleitet.

Safe and Sustainable Mobility services & activities

Accordingly, the main goal of this thematic area is to strength the innovation regional capacity beyond automotive industry to facilitate investments based on open innovation infrastructure and new technologies provided by clusters in regional ecosystems. Through a closer collaboration, the partner regions and cluster organizations complete the interdisciplinary competences needed and will be able to respond to industrial challenges of implementing a ‘Safe and Sustainable Mobility’ (hereinafter SSM). Among other key initiatives, this proposal gives special attention to highlight the most promising innovations for regional development, to identify replicability/scalability investment priorities and to allocate funding resources more effectively.

More specifically, this proposal aims to further support the deployment of advanced research and technologies along the value chain by connecting innovative SMEs and value chain segments from traditional value chains.

Further information: Project website


Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel. +49 941 604889 55