Visiting the stand of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics with the autonomous EMILIA PeopleMover: Bavaria's Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter (2nd from left) with Cluster Manager Uwe Pfeil (left), Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH Alexander Rupprecht (2nd from right) and Christian Schopf, Overall Operational Management Technology Campus THD - Deggendorf Institute of Technology (right).
Bavarian Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter visited the stand of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics at the IAA MOBILITY in Munich this week. Bernreiter took the opportunity to find out about current projects and innovations from Regensburg in the field of mobility. The autonomous shuttle bus EMILIA and the racing car of the Formula Student Team of the OTH Regensburg attracted particular attention.
The joint stand of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics together with the City of Regensburg and nine other partners acted as a showcase for future-oriented technologies and mobility solutions in Regensburg as a business location. One such solution is the PeopleMover EMILIA operated by Stadtwerk.Mobilität. Since 2021, two vehicles have been transporting passengers on a 1.1-kilometer ring route in the Regensburg business park as part of a pilot project. The aim of the partners involved from business and industry is to research and understand the various social and technical aspects that are crucial for a high degree of automation. Two of the project partners, AVL Software and Functions GmbH and Autonomous Reply GmbH, were represented at the cluster's joint stand.
The Formula Student Team of OTH Regensburg, Dynamics e.V., presented its electric racing car "RP19e" at the joint stand. Compared to its predecessor model, it has an innovative vehicle concept in terms of autonomous driving with a new chassis and running gear.
"The visit by Minister Christian Bernreiter underlines the importance of our members in shaping future mobility. Close cooperation between politics and industry is also important for the cluster and its members in order to develop sustainable and efficient mobility concepts," says Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, which manages the Cluster Mobility & Logistics. "The trade fair was once again an ideal platform for us to present our projects with our members," adds Cluster Manager Uwe Pfeil. "We were once again able to make numerous contacts and initiate ideas for new projects."
State Secretary Roland Weigert and Regensburg's Lord Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer were among those who were impressed by the innovative mobility concepts from Regensburg during the course of the trade fair. The co-exhibitors included Autonomous Reply GmbH, AVL Software and Functions GmbH, das Stadtwerk Regensburg GmbH, intive GmbH, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, sdp GmbH, Stadt Regensburg, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf und transform.r, the new transformation network from Regensburg.
The Cluster Mobility & Logistics was represented at the International Motor Show in Munich for the second time. Together with the REMOBILE project partners RAI Automotive Industry from the Netherlands and NextMove from France, the cluster once again organized a "ClusterXchange" this year. This international exchange offered participants the opportunity to get in touch with international experts from the industry and find out about the ecosystems of the various clusters and their innovative mobility solutions.
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R-Tech GmbH
c/o TechBase
Tanja Braun
Phone: 0941/604 889-13